Sunday, September 19, 2010

Forex Commentary - Predictions + Commentary For The 2010 Financial Markets

We're BACK! I pray everyone had a decent Holiday... This year should be a great trading year and we serves to be putting in more content, other trades, more educational tips + advice and other helpful items as the year goes on. Forex Commentary

This week's report will be a special edition with our annual commentary intertwined with our weekly commentary below.

S&P 500 / DOW / NASDAQ: As we look at the rise off the bottom from the lows of March 2009, a period of pullback/profit taking will be coming. There is no way that the equity market can fundamentally keep going higher without a healthy profit taking pullback. We find it quite amazing that the market has managed to rise even though the country has had all the turmoil in the economy that the U.S. has seen over the past 18 months or so - perhaps a buy the rumor and sell the news situation??? Perhaps all the sellers left and only buyers with itchy fingers and wads of cash in their pocket were left hanging around...who knows... time will tell - it always does.

We do think that we have seen the bottom in the overall Stock Market from the lows of March of 2009 and that the economy will improve from the misery that we saw in 2008 + 2009 and perhaps the market reacted to that, however the market cannot continue its huge move higher without a major pause or a bubble larger than the one that developed 10 years ago will be put in place - which will end badly for the bullish cause. Keep in mind that the DOW moved about 4000 points in about 9 months. Forex Commentary

With that being said, how would we handle this? On a short-term trading program - we would ride the Bull Train until the Bull shows us that he has no more horns left, however... we will take profits quicker than normal on our bullish plays and use relatively tighter stop losses. We wouldn't commit hugely to any long term bull trend setups. On a long term portfolio situation - we would start to move off any margin in our long term portfolios (starting now) and we would take profits on any "iffy" stocks or equity investments if we were in them. We then would seriously consider buying put options that would cover/help protect our total portfolio on any major weekly bearish signals/setups that showed up on the charts. If the weekly bearish setups start to form a solid bear setup on the monthly charts we would start going to cash (not to 100% cash but do some "healthy trimming down) with continued protection from put options (or the equivalent derivative trade). We aren't talking a total capitulation as we don't think 2010 will be a total bear year and we would not be shocked if we ended the year marginally higher but the RISK is there AND there is a decent chance that the market will pullback some time in the 1st qtr and linger all year on the bearish side of things. Always want to have financial freedom? Check out Forex Commentary Program. It'll change your Life Forever!

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